Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Trip to Salzburg

We decided to go to Salzburg for the first weekends and bought the tickets from the station the day before. We were to depart at 8” 22 in the morning. We got up early and I didn’t even manage to eat smth. We rushed to the Westbanhof station and ran to the ticket window. We needed to buy one more ticket for Stepan as he didn’t clearly say if he wanted a ticket or not so we hadn’t bought one for him the day before. When we at last managed to approach the ticket window we were told that it’s too late to bu a ticket and if we can we should try to just find seats in the train. So it was already 8:20 and we ran to the train which was already going to move and hardly managed to spring on it. Then we somehow managed to cheat the conductor that we have ticket for 10 people but actually there were 11 of us. On the way I was having a music tastes crush in the same cabinet with the boys who didn’t like rock . I managed to sleep a little bit and we finally reached the station. We went out and I don’t know why the guys rushed into a big store. As I didn’t have anything to buy and was quite hungry I went to eat at a restaurant with the boys. The day actually started for me with intensive getting in touch with the boys only. When we were finished we noticed that the girls are still digging in the markets so we spent another 20 minutes wandering and waiting. When everybody was out of the shop FINALLY we asked the way of the fortress and the Mozart museum and went. The street we were walking made me feel we are ina resort city very much like our Tsakhkadzor. We reached a big open place and suddenly a river appeared in front of us with a splendid view around. We crossed the bridge having photos a thousand times.

Then 4 of us stayed to walk a little bit in a nice park nearby, I sat a “ kacheli”. We were behind all the rest and started to rush. When we found them we reached a place very much like our Vernisage. There were tents all over the river bank with people form all around the world selling a piece of their culture. We couldn’t resist to buy some musical staff form a Peruvian who gave us thread bracelets as a present after he knew we are from Armenia. All the way we were seeing new great things from Africa, latin America and Austria which were though quite expensive. Then we also entered a souvenir shop and I bought a parcel with Mozart on it for a present. We decided to go to the Mozart house first. So we appeared in a narrow crowded street which led to Mozart’s house museum. It was full of people both outside and inside. I didn’t know why but there were lots of Russian tourists there. The museum had three floors that were telling about Mozart’s creations, represented his life and family, the life in Salzburg. I remembered a funny fact; during those times people didn’t have bath very often as they still believed water was something devilish. But Mozart’s family was an exception ffrom the rules as they were having
bath everyday. I saw his violin and piano as well as some furniture form his home. Then we went to a room which was very much like a sauna as there was all wood there and it was very hot. But actually it was for listening to Mozart’s music so we did. It was nice to hear it. After we went out we were very tired but decided to rest a while and go to the fortress. On the way there was a nice hurch that we entered with a stage in front of it. Then we appeared in a very nice festival that was organized by an Austrian beer producer. During that lots of very expensive things were being sold by funny prices. It was a jarmarka of luxurious things with low prices. We couldn’t resist to buy some things form thre. I bought a very nice bag just for 10 euros! Then we were half dead bu decided to continue. Some boys except Karen had been up already and we saw them coming back. They wished us patience!

We were awfully tired but all the surroundings were so picturesque that we were eager to go further. There was a big queue for the museum besides the weather seemed to be spoiling so we decided to go down. Then we continued our wanderings in shops, I bought some staff for myself and at last we all gathered in some eating place. We still had 3 hours left but it was raining heavily and we couldn’t go anywhere else. So we went back by the same way. It was raining heavily and we were having fun on ourselves walking like homeless under the rain , two under one umbrella, with dirty ankles and slippers.

At last we reached the station but as we still had lots of time left some of us went to internet. Then we found the rest who were having fun in one cafe watching funny ads on TV.

Me and Luiza started to play “normal” dart and it was very funny. After a while it was already time to move so we went to the station. There we found a football team of kids from 9-12 years who had just won some cup of junior championship and were soooo happy. They were talking and talking and talking. It was the first sign of energetic and warm, really hot blooded people in Vienna and it was very nice to observe them. They were so self confident and grown up and just like actors or humourists could do whatever u wish. Only Marianna could understand them and they were prettily chatting together. One of them the most cunning one asked Marianna if she will give him a euro in case he dances and he started to dance so sexily shaking all his body …We had such fun with those kids and even met them in the train. We sat in a wrong place and the conductor made us go back. Leaving our card playing we started to wander all over the train which was a very funny process as the train was moving and we were walking like drunk hardly managing not to fall on people sitting and gazing at us with wide opened eyes.

At last we found our places which were also pretty good and wanted to continue our card game when a man of about 50 with a very kind and sunny face came and took his seat near Suren. He was a very nice man from Salzburg with a funny sense of humour and tremendously loud laugh because of which we were heard all over the train. He started to speak with us about Armenia as he had been there and after that we spoke of lots of things. He was showing his tongue while laughing and also beating the table with his hands …that was such a funny scene. He told us about his first marihuana experience. He was in Netherlands and after a heavy rain being very tired entered a café and along with tea took cookies which had a very nice name for him : space cookies. He said he was feeling very nicely after them and felt they were something more than just biscuits when he was paying for them and realized they cost too high for average cookies. Then he gave his mobile number to Ani and we agreed to call him the next day in case we go to the museum. When we were going out of the train a woman who had previously asked us to be more quiet looked at me with a very tired and desperate look and after I said my excuses she said we were awful:))).

We reached Westbanhof very late at about 12:30 and found out that we can’t go to Traisengasse already. Besides it was raining so heavily and we were stuck in some station form which we decided to take a taxi. But we had to wait at the station for the rain to stop. We were like BOMJ, standing there with strange people in torn dresses from every nation.

At last the rain was over and we got out to catch taxis. We found one and then the second one. The first one appeared to have a crazy woman as driver. Our driver was not a woman but was not less crazy. He was going to hit us and then just said: “Oh sorry”. He didn’t know the exact place we were going and was hoping to drive after the crazy woman but suddenly he lost her and then he started to curse!

It was our last adventure as we finally reached home surprisingly safely and went to bed.

This was a very great day full of funny adventures when we got to know that Mozart lived in a very tiny and hot house...

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